Shopping centre to host two fun-filled days of sport, including coaching from Stirling Albion FC

This weekend, Thistles Shopping Centre in Stirling is hosting an exciting array of sports activities, giving shoppers of all ages the chance to get involved and embrace their athletic side this summer.

The Thistles Family Sports Day will run across Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of June from 12pm-4pm. The two days will be packed with free sporting events to encourage everyone of all ages and abilities to join in and have fun getting active. Situated in the mall outside HMV, the set will feature a mix of classic sports day games including egg and spoon race, sack race, hula hoops and comes complete with a winner’s podium so shoppers can go head-to-head to win a gold medal and snap a victory selfie on the top podium.

In addition to the sports day games, Sunday (11th June) will see Stirling Albion’s junior academy coach, Kenny Marquis on hand to offer football skills training. Suitable for toddlers through to pensioners, Kenny will be able to demonstrate age-appropriate training from little kickers to walking football showing that you’re never too young or old to start enjoying a new sport.

The Thistles Sports Day is an extension of Thistles ongoing health and wellbeing initiatives for staff which includes benefits for workers such as free fruit every Friday, weekly after-work yoga classes which Thistles’ employees can take part in free of charge and free pedometers to encourage employees to hit their daily 10,000 step count.

Gary Turnbull, Centre Director at Thistles, said: “We are committed to supporting both our staff and the local community to stay active and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. I’m proud of the health and wellbeing benefits we offer to our centre staff free of charge and was keen to ensure the wider community benefitted too. While some of our younger visitors will have no doubt been enjoying their own sports days at school recently, it may have been a number of years since many of our shoppers took part in a sports day, so this is a fun way to relive some of those childhood memories, while also keeping active and perhaps discovering a new sport.  Let the games begin!”

Additionally in an effort to get the community engaged and moving Thistles is hosting a communi-TEA dance to raise awareness of and to combat loneliness on Tuesday 6th June between 1pm and 3pm in support of Age Scotland and local charity, Stirling4Community.

The Thistles Sports Day is free of charge and takes place on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June from 12pm-4pm. Find the relay track situated outside HMV. For more details please visit